Hi there. I’m John Laing, a Canadian living in Shizuoka City, Japan.

This page was updated on Saturday, June 29th, 2024.

I am a semi-retired English professor.

I worked on some writing during the amazing and life-changing Write of Passage course. My efforts from an earlier cohort are archived on my Ghost website here. More recent writings appear on my Substack on Indigo Ink. I learn stuff to try to think better.

I take notes to allow my future self to come across ideas again so they can find their way safely home to my 🧠 where they started.

I use a Bullet Journal , and am trying to fuse paper notes with digital writing. I am a lifetime member of Nick Milo’s awesome Linking Your Thinking course (usually referred to as “LYT,” and pronounced “light”) and was a lifetime member of David Perell’s Write of Passage course, until it was discontinued.

This (what you are looking at right now) is a page in Notion (a note-taking application) converted to a web page using Super. It allows me to rapidly update this page with new stuff, even if nobody wants to read it.